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Sany seeks US wind-farm hearing (3)

By WEI TIAN in Beijing, ZHANG YUWEI in New York and CAI CHUNYING in Washington (China Daily)

08:11, November 30, 2012

He compared the trend to the expansion of Japanese investors from the 1980s onwards. "There was a lot of concern over the dramatically increasing Japanese share of the car market, but over a period of time people just get used to the ideas that they would make Hondas and Toyotas and this is perfectly good for the country.

"The aggressive adaptation by China and Chinese enterprises to the rule of law is one of the greatest legal stories of my career," Cullen said.

Ann Lee, a New York University economics professor, said the case is not likely to have an impact on other Chinese investments, especially smaller transactions that do not involve technology or natural resources.

"The case will be a near impossibility to win, since rarely do private interests have the resources or political capital to go against a government which makes all the rules," Lee said.

"But it will be a good way for the Chinese to get experience in working the US legal system, even if they lose."

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