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New wave of communication tools in China (4)

By Wang Xinye (CNTV)

09:20, December 03, 2012


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Selections for you

  1. Weekly review of military photos (2012.11.26-11.30)

  2. China-U.S. joint exercise held

  3. Most creative 'Santa Claus' (I)

  4. Nutritious lunch provided in Taipei

  5. On 1st high-speed line through high-latitude regions

  6. 10th China Int'l Auto Exhibition ends

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  8. Peng Liyuan on 25th World AIDS Day

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  1. China a very 'important, exciting' market
  2. West needs new view on China
  3. Level playing field for private firms
  4. Much room for China-ASEAN economic co-op
  5. Spend it again, Sam
  6. The paradox of China's stock market
  7. Reforms to give more weight to capital
  8. Obama's big test: averting "fiscal cliff"
  9. Commentary: Future money uncertainties
  10. Social progress in tolerance to ‘Nail Household’

What’s happening in China

First national day for road safety marked around China

  1. Black jail sentence fake: court
  2. Amendment to give lawyers more rights
  3. Tianjin Normal University holds job fair
  4. Diving pool now open
  5. Red light fatalities