Data summary of the “Sunshine Project” (as of August 31, 2012)
Figuratively speaking, the “Sunshine Project" has brought a timely rain and a good cure to the drug prohibition work of Guizhou province, of China, and even of the whole world.
It captures the essence of the problem, prescribes the right medicine, starts from a high point, and has good effect. The “Sunshine Mode” construction in Guizhou Province can be summed up into the following group of figures as of August 31, 2012:
108: On September 20, 2011, Guizhou provincial government office issued the Opinions of the Provincial People's Government Office on Carrying out in-Depth Construction of the “Sunshine Project” for Drug Rehabilitation and Recovery (QFBF [2011] No.108, hereinafter referred to as the 108th file). By virtue of this file, the “Sunshine Project” was able to be smoothly implemented in Guizhou Province.
94: Guizhou Province has established 94 settlement locations under the “Sunshine Project”.
100: A total of 100 employment and resettlement enterprises (resettlement locations) will have been built by the end of 2012 which will incorporate all people recovered through drug rehabilitation treatment to the employment and resettlement system to realize the “full coverage” objective.
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