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Czech leaders not to attend Nobel Peace Prize ceremony


10:27, December 03, 2012

PRAGUE, Dec. 1 (Xinhua) -- Neither Czech President Vaclav Klaus nor Prime Minister Petr Necas will attend the presentation of the Nobel Peace Prize to the European Union, the Presidential Office and the government spokesmen, Radim Ochvat and Michal Schuster said respectively on Saturday.

Necas cannot attend the ceremony over his very busy schedule, Schuster said.

Klaus has called the granting of the Nobel Peace Prize to the EU a tragic mistake in October. In his first reaction to the news he said it must be a joke. He said the Nobel Prize should go to a particular person, not to a bureaucratic institution.

Along with the Czech Republic, supreme representatives of another five EU member states, including Britain and Sweden, will not take part in the ceremony to be held in Oslo on December 10.

The Czech Republic will be represented by its ambassador at the event.

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