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Chinese artists' works gain global appeal (2)

(China Daily)

17:12, March 01, 2013

(China Daily)

Meanwhile, at this year's Art 13 London, which will debut from March 1 to 3, roughly 130 galleries will sell modern and contemporary works from Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Western Europe and the Americas.

UCCA Store will bring more than 40 limited-edition works by 22 Chinese artists, including photographer Ma Liang's Nostalgia series and Yu Fan's sculpture Dreamer.

UCCA Store opened in November 2007 as part of UCCA, a nonprofit art center located inside Beijing's 798 Art Zone.

In December 2008, UCCA Store participated in the Asian Contemporary Art Fair in Miami. It was the first time UCCA promoted Chinese artists' limited-edition works abroad.

In 2012, UCCA Store traveled to six art shows around the world, including Art Tokyo and Art Toronto.

Xue, who joined UCCA Store in 2009, says it has transformed over the past six years.

She says the dramatic change came from the contemporary Chinese art boom and the growing needs of ordinary consumers and collectors.

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