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China has no cyber warfare troops: spokesman


08:42, March 01, 2013

BEIJING, Feb. 28 (Xinhua) -- A military spokesman said Thursday that China does not have any soldiers engaging in cyber warfare.

The inclusion of "blue teams" in Chinese military drills is done to enhance the country's ability to safeguard cyber security and is not related to conducting cyber attacks, said Ministry of National Defense spokesman Geng Yansheng.

In recent years, many countries have been transforming their militaries as the pace of new military revolution is accelerating in the world, Geng said.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) is shouldering the dual responsibilities of mechanizing and informationizing the armed forces, he said.

The PLA is working extensively to upgrade its technological capabilities and improve its ability to maintain cyber security, Geng said.

"Compared with military capabilities around the world, however, there is still a gap," he said.

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