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English>>Foreign Affairs

China Focus: Americans in China expect better Sino-America relations

By Han Xiaojing, Ji Shaoting, Wang Xiaojie, Xu Xiaoqing (Xinhua)

08:39, November 05, 2012

BEIJING, Nov, 4 (Xinhua) -- Just a few days before the announcement of America's next president, many Americans in China have voted for their favorite candidate and expressed hope for bilateral relations between China and the United States. Most of them expect more dialogue between the two countries in the future.

"Regardless of our political differences, our countries need to work together," said Alexander Gladstone, an American financial news correspondent in Shanghai. "Our future success is integrally linked.

"While we might not agree on every issue, both America and China have a mutual vested interest in economic growth. We also share in taking responsibility for maintaining global stability and working to address climate change."

Gladstone believes that China represents a huge opportunity to the United States. Therefore it's vital for Americans to know how Chinese work, how they think, and to make strong friendships and connections with Chinese people.

"I hope American companies can gain new insights about what China really needs," he added.

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