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China completes power grid reconstruction in quake-hit region


08:14, June 07, 2013

XINING, June 6 (Xinhua) -- A power grid in Yushu of northwest China's Qinghai Province was connected with the provincial main grid and went into trial operation on Thursday, marking the completion of a power restoration project in the quake-hit region.

The project in the Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, which was hit by a 7.1-magnitude earthquake three years ago, was completed at a cost of 3.62 billion yuan (584 million U.S. dollars), said Wang Hongzhi, general manager of the provincial branch of the State Grid Corporation.

The first phase of reconstruction kicked off in June 2010, two months after the quake, while the second phase began in June 2012, according to Wang.

Wang said the trial operation period marks the completion of the project, which will provide safe and stable power to local residents.

The quake that struck the region on April 14, 2010 left 2,698 people dead and hundreds missing.

Over 1,200 reconstruction projects had been launched in Yushu by the end of March and reconstruction is expected to be finished within the year, according to Wang Yong, deputy head of the prefecture.

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