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English>>China Society

Red song campaign critic freed

By Bai Tiantian (Global Times)

13:59, November 20, 2012

A 25-year-old former village official was released from re-education through labor on Monday after serving 15 months in detention for "attacking" the Chongqing municipal government's red song campaign.

A local court is set to rule Tuesday on a case brought by Ren Jianyu against the re-education committee that sentenced him.

Pu Zhiqiang, the young official's attorney, told the Global Times that Ren was released around 3:40 pm Monday afternoon after the re-education through labor committee in Chongqing officially revoked his detention order.

"He did not withdraw his lawsuits against the re-education through labor committee," said Pu, adding that the committee previously tried to cut a deal with Ren, urging him to drop the case in exchange for his freedom.

"Ren turned them down and insisted on suing the committee to clear his name," Pu said.

The Chongqing No.3 Intermediate People's Court will pronounce its verdict on Ren's case at 3 pm on Tuesday. Ren Jianyu's father, Ren Shiliu, and other family members and friends will be gathered at the court to support Ren on his case.

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