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English>>China Business

Jiugui halts trading after safety claim

By Zhang Ye (Global Times)

10:01, November 20, 2012

Shenzhen-listed Jiugui Liquor Co announced Monday a temporary halt of stock trading to protect its investors' interests after reports of food safety issues surfaced.

According to the business portal Monday, three types of plasticizer (DEHP, DIBP and DBP) were found in four bottles of Jiugui liquor which were bought by 21cbh staff for 438 yuan ($70.30) per bottle and tested by Intertek China, an international third-party quality tester.

The amounts of DBP reached 1.08 milligrams per kilogram, 260 percent higher than the domestic industrial standard of 0.3 milligrams per kilogram, while the other two types did not exceed industrial standards, according to

The plasticizers are chiefly used in plastics, but recently some food producers have used them as a food additive in order to condense beverages, such as tea drinks and fruit juice, for a more appealing product.

In July 2011, China's Certification and Accreditation Administration passed the first plasticizer inspection standard to monitor the use of plasticizers in the food sector, tracking 22 types of phthalate in foods.

Consuming foods with excessive plasticizers over a long period would pose a definite health risk, since it can damage the human immune and digestive systems, Wang Shiping, a food safety professor from China Agricultural University, told the Global Times Monday.

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