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English>>China Business

Geely Auto Call Center receives 5-star Diamond Rating


09:35, November 19, 2012

Recently, Geely Auto Call Center has been awarded the top level 5-star Diamond Rating from the CCCS (Customer Contact Center Standard) of customer relation management committee of CFIP (China Federation of IT Promotion). Only Geely and Faw-Volkswagen reached the top level in China's auto market and Geely is the only homegrown brand with such honor.

Geely got the 5-star standard certification from CCCS in October, 2009. During the following two years, the automaker made untiring efforts and became the only self-owned car brand being awarded 5-star Diamond from CCCS in December 2011 and the award ceremony was held at Geely Auto Call Center in January 2012.

In early 2010, Geely started its after-sales services transformation from passive service to active care and from "service to guarantee brand" to "service to create brand". In 2010, the Call Center achieved the goal of 100-percent reviews of end users within 5 days and 100-percent reviews of customers for maintenance services within 3 days, which showed Geely's active care for customers not only when they first choose Geely cars but also after they drive the cars.

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