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English>>China Business

China rolls out new capital market measures (3)

By Yin Hang (CNTV)

13:58, November 13, 2012

It is also planning to accelerate the opening-up of the capital account to encourage overseas investors to participate in the mainland futures and bond markets.

Yin Hang said, "China’s market regulator had pledged to speed up approvals for quotas for QFII. It’s the only way to let foreign investors to get access into China’s domestic market."

And many foreign institutional investors and banks are expecting to participate more in China’s domestic capital market and have a growing share in China’s financial market.

Zhu Haibin, chief China economist of JP Morgan, China, said, "Foreign banks here, China is a growing big market. At this stage, shares of foreign banks are relatively limited."

Meanwhile, since the start of this year, the CSRC has rolled out a string of policies to facilitate bond sales, including simplifying the bond application process, paving the way for a wider diversity of debt products and allowing low-credit firms to extend bonds. Analysts say this will make local companies more inclined to tap the bond market for financing.

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