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Chinese firms look to UK railway projects (2)

By Diao Ying in London (China Daily)

09:04, November 07, 2012

The proposed cooperation comes on the tail of large investments Chinese companies have made into the UK.

Last week, China Investment Corp, manager of China's sovereign wealth fund, bought shares in Heathrow Airport Holding, the operator of London's Heathrow airport. Before that, in January, it had invested in Thames Water Utilities Ltd, which supplies water services to London and other places in Britain.

Chinese contractors, though, are only starting to work on large projects in developed economies and have not taken part in any in the UK.

That comes in contrast to what they have done in the Middle East and in African countries such as Libya and Nigeria, where they have helped build prominent railways.

A source of strength for Chinese companies is the support they receive from large State-owned Chinese banks, which have been expanding into developed economies.

Even so, they have little experience in investing in developed economies, according to Wang He, chairman of China International Contractors Association. Unlike many developing economies, the UK has long-standing legal, regulatory and technology requirements, and Chinese companies need to make sure they understand those before they bid on projects there.

The UK also has a history of letting foreign companies take part in infrastructure projects. Among the operators of its national railways are companies from Germany and the Netherlands.

【1】 【2】 【3】

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