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English>>China Business

3m of new iPads sold in 3 days (3)

(Shanghai Daily)

08:48, November 06, 2012

"We set a new launch weekend record and practically sold out of iPad minis," Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook said. "We're working hard to build more quickly to meet the incredible demand." Apple shares were up 1.7 percent at US$586.50 in morning trading on Nasdaq, still down more than 16 percent from a record high set in September. The 7.9-inch iPad mini marks Apple's first foray into the smaller-tablet segment and is the company's first major new device since the death of co-founder Steve Jobs last year.

Versions of iPads with both Wi-Fi and cellular connections will not ship in the United States for another few weeks. And both will hit more countries later this year. The iPad mini takes aim at Google's Nexus 7 and Amazon's Kindle Fire. At stores around the world, the product's debut drew sparser crowds than previous launches did, dampening initial optimism for sales. Still, the mini attracted hundreds of people in many locations. Apple heads into the current quarter after refreshing almost all of its product lines .

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