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EU sanctions against Israeli settlements thwart peace efforts: Peres


19:56, July 18, 2013

JERUSALEM, July 18 (Xinhua) -- Israeli President Shimon Peres expressed his objection to the recent guidelines issued by the European Union (EU) to ban the application of agreements with Israel in the West Bank occupied territories.

Peres told local media Thursday that the EU's decision is hindering diplomatic efforts led by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry to restart peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians.

He reiterated a statement by Kerry himself, who said Wednesday in Amman that real progress was achieved between the two sides and the gaps have been narrowed down.

"The supreme efforts of the U.S. secretary of state will bear fruit on both sides," the Israeli president said.

While expressing his respect to the EU, Peres said the resolution was "unnecessary and untimely, especially in light of the possibility that the two sides might reach an agreement."

He asked the EU to delay the decision, allow both parties to restart peace negotiations and avoid "creating another crisis.

According to Arab media, Kerry planned to announce the resumption of peace talks on Friday, if the Palestinian leaders agree to his proposal of renewing the negotiations.

Israel on Tuesday blasted EU's new directive that provides for a clause within agreements between any EU-based government or company and Israel that guarantees the deal will not be implemented in West Bank settlements.

According to reports in Israeli media, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has made efforts in recent days, including meeting with top EU officials, to postpone the new European guideline, which is set to come into effect on Friday.

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