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OAS presents LatAm anti-drug report


11:01, May 18, 2013

BOGOTA, May 17 (Xinhua) -- The Organization of American States (OAS) here on Friday released a report on the drug problem in the Americas, which will be discussed next week during a regional summit.

"The report analyzes all the phases of the drug process, including cultivation, production, transportation, sales and consumption, the problems and damages caused, as well as the economic situation -- this is, who are gaining profits," said OAS Secretary-General Jose Miguel Insulza, who presented the report before Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos.

Insulza said the report was requested by the national leaders at the 2012 Summit of the Americas in Cartagena, Colombia and will be discussed by the Latin American leaders at the Pacific Alliance Summit to be held on May 22-23 in Cali, Colombia.

Santos said the OAS report offers an innovative approach on the anti-drug issue, adding that it will help to achieve agreements that will benefit all the countries.

"We now have new resources which will guide the relevant discussions of relevant countries, while respecting each country's diversity," Santos said.

Santos said the drug problem is a global problem and the OAS report will also be presented before the United Nations.

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