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Chairman Wang attends GS1 Global Management Director Meeting and Global Conference

(People's Daily Online)

16:41, June 05, 2013

Wang Zongnan, Party Secretary and Chairman of Bright Food (Group) Co., Ltd. attended GS1 Global Management Director Meeting in Los Angeles, US on May 20

Wang Zongnan, Party Secretary and Chairman of Bright Food (Group) Co., Ltd. attended GS1 Global Management Director Meeting in Los Angeles, U.S. on May 20, and delivered a speech as the Vice Chairman of Board of Directors of GS1.

In this year’s meeting, the functions and duties of members of the Board of Directors have been further revised, and the changes to board members were also made public. New directors from Coca-cola, Amazon, Carrefour and China Resources Enterprise and other big players were welcomed to make debut at this year’s meeting. The Annual Budget and Expense Report of GS1 for 2013/2014 was submitted by Financial and Audit Council to the meeting for deliberation and approval along with work reports submitted by Standard Council and the Board of Supervisors. Also submitted to the meeting for deliberation and approval are vision and strategic measures, strategic development outline, key projects and new business introduction of GS1 for 2012/2013 and 2013/2014.

In his address to the meeting, Wang noted that directors of GS1 shared the same vision, spoke with the same voice, and worked for the same organization although they come from different countries and sectors. Wang believed that, with the entry of new director members, GS1 standards will be brought to more places and regions in the world. Meanwhile, Wang expressed his desire to learn successful experience of the renowned multinational companies from new directors.

As bar code will celebrate its 40th anniversary this year, Wang hoped all directors of GS1 can work as one to make new contribution to the globally prominent organization. At last, Wang invited all directors of GS1 to attend the joint director meeting co-hosted by GS1 and ECR China this October in Shanghai.

On May 21, Wang attended GS1 Global Conference, together with about 300 participants from 81 countries. In the conference, the business leaders from globally famed enterprises shared their opinions about the changing global commercial environment and explored opportunities lying ahead. (Reported by Wang Zan)

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