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U.S. breeding expert visits Bright Seed under Bright Rice Industry Ltd.

(People's Daily Online)

16:39, May 24, 2013

Cui Zhiren, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors meets with Dr. Ronnie Coffman, Director of International Project Department of Cornell University, May 10, 2013.

On May 10, Cui Zhiren, Chairman of the Board of Supervisors and Vice President Zhang Hanqiang of Bright Food (Group) Co., Ltd. met with Dr. Ronnie Coffman, Director of International Project Department of Cornell University who is also a plant breeding expert from the U.S. They expressed their welcome and thanks to Dr. Coffman for his special visit to Bright Food Group for professional guidance on cultivation of high-yield rice and wheat and quality rice screening and breeding.

During the meeting, Cui briefed the development of modern agriculture Bright Food Group has made in recent years, and also talked about the development and business model of the group in creating modern urban sight-seeing agriculture and building a safe industry chain “from field to table”.

According to Cui, modern agriculture sector is an important part of industrial pattern of Bright Food Group. The group has made some achievements in the development of modern, large-scale, intensive, scientific and ecological agriculture. It is actively promoting and exploring the further integration of agricultural resources, construction of modern agro-ecological civilization and optimization of the modern seed-growing agriculture development to enhance the competitiveness of modern agriculture. He hoped that Dr. Coffman would provide technical support and assistance in grain cultivation and screening and breeding new varieties of rice and wheat, and offer guidance on improving the rice yield, enhancing the rice resistance and improving the rice quality and taste, to help Bright Food Group solve the technical bottleneck problems encountered in transition and development.

Dr. Coffman, accompanied by Vice President Zhang Hanqiang, visited the breeding labs of Bright Seed under Bright Rice Industry Limited Liability Company, the core breeding bases of quality rice and wheat seed and 10000 mu of high-yield grain production demonstration area. He discussed and interacted with the technical personnel and answered their questions. Dr. Coffman spoke highly of the group’s achievements in the development of modern agriculture, gave international forefront suggestions about the seed development of the group and expressed his desire for further exchanges and cooperation in rice breeding. (By Yuan Dingli, Ling Bing)

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