Fri,Aug 2,2013
English>>Travel >> Around China

Trip to Hong Kong Ocean Park, China (20)

(China.org.cn)    08:53, August 02, 2013
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Located on the south end of Hong Kong Island, Ocean Park Hong Kong is one of most popular local attractions. Opened in 1977, the park was one of the largest ocean parks in the world and features thrilling rides, exhibits and conservation facilities. Three areas of Lowland, the Headland and Tai Shue Wan are connected by cable-car. Two lovely pandas live in the Panda habitat in the middle Kingdom neighboring the Tai Shue Wan Entrance. Some of Asia's rarest animals also live here including red pandas, Chinese giant salamanders and Chinese alligators. (China.org.cn)

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(Editor:DuMingming、Ye Xin)

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