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Houston delegation visits Shanghai to celebrate Air China’s new non-stop flight (4)

(People's Daily Online)

14:21, July 26, 2013

Dave Avern, Commercial Officer from U.S. Embassy in China

Top business leaders from the United States’ fourth largest city--Houston, visited Shanghai on July 25 to meet with Chinese business and political leaders. Discussions focused on how to increase trade and investment for all cities now that Air China has launched a non-stop flight from Beijing to Houston.

The Houston delegation included 14 Houston-area companies, ranging from energy and aviation to real estate and international trade and investments.

“We are excited to establish this new connection between China and Houston,” said Houston Executive Vice Mayor Andy Icken. “Houston is a world-class city with the most diverse population in our country, so we welcome Chinese investors who seek opportunity and business-friendly policies in the U.S.”

Houston plays a significant role in the international economy in that it is home to 94 foreign consulates (including China) and the headquarters of 25 Fortune 500 companies. It also has the world’s largest medical center, Texas Medical Center, and is known as the “Energy Capital of the World” because of its large concentration of oil, gas and renewable energy companies.

“Our economy is diverse and robust, and it matches up well with the types of industries that Chinese entrepreneurs and business people are pursuing,” said Greater Houston Partnership President and CEO Bob Harvey. He also welcomed the Chinese investors to Houston in that Houston is a top U.S. city in several industries including energy, medical, transportation and manufacturing.

Air China’s new direct flight began on July 11th, 2013 and is expected to increase trade and investment ties between the two cities.

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