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Competition of PLA special force ends

(China Military Online)

08:45, July 26, 2013

ZHURIHE, July 25 (ChinaMil) -- The competition of the Special Force of the Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) came to an end on the early morning of July 24, 2013 at the Zhurihe Combined Tactics Training Base of the Beijing Military Area Command (MAC) of the PLA.

Delegations from all the military area commands of the PLA competed in many subjects such as comprehensive combat skills, parachuting penetration reconnaissance operations, urban anti-terrorism operations and sniper combat operations, and withstood the test of the competition that was close to real combat in different terrains and complex environments.

Deputy chief-judge Feng Xinqiao summed up three characteristics of the competition:

First, contents are comprehensive. The subjects of the competition covered main types of tasks of special force and the competitors included main combat units of special force, commanding officers, non-commissioned officers and backbone of key positions.

Second, subjects are new. New subjects, such as fixed-point parachuting with equipment and long-range sniping, were set up. The subjects using new equipment made up 35 percent of all the competition subjects.

Third, difficulty is great. The difficulty and strength of the competition are higher than similar international competitions. Night subjects accounted for 37.5 percent of all the competition subjects.

Wang Ning, deputy chief of general staff of the PLA, gave on-site guidance to the competition and attended the prize-awarding ceremony.

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