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Masters hold strong in uncertain art market (2)


09:45, May 14, 2013


Hua Yizhong, bidder, said, "I prefer to buy artworks of masters, like Zhang Daqian and Xu Beihong, since their taste in art is higher, and prices of their works are good."

Lu Weizhong, bidder, said, "When we consider investing in an artwork, we mainly consider the popularity of the works, and how much its value may grow in the future."

Three years ago, another of Zhang Daqian’s works called Love, Aachensee Lake, became the first Chinese artwork to sell for more than 100 million yuan in China. A year earlier, an 11th Century scroll by calligrapher Huang Tingjian, became the most expensive Chinese artwork ever when it sold for 436.8 million yuan during an auction in Europe.

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