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Arty party (3)

(Global Times)

08:50, May 02, 2013

On the right track

Art Beijing has the ambition of representing and serving the whole of Asia. One of the exhibitions named Being Asian as a part of the Art Unforbidden Thematic Exhibition is an example of what Art Beijing has done on the way to achieving its goal.

Being Asian includes 15 Chinese artists and 37 Japanese and South Korean artists that were selected from top art galleries across the three countries. The Art Beijing Committee started the search process a year ago for the most representative galleries and young artists in the three countries, aiming for a better understanding of the contemporary social forms and cultural ideas of different places in Asia.

For Dong, works from Chinese artists cover a wide range of themes and forms but are less exquisite. South Korean artworks from the young generation are of high quality but are more like handicrafts than art.

The Japanese offerings in the exhibition show fewer Asian features but more of what young Japanese artists have learnt from the West.

"Putting them together is an opportunity for everyone to compare and search for the differences between them," said Dong.

The selection criteria for participants have improved with the overall changes in the industry. However, the biggest change for Dong this year is not from the content providers' side, but from the audience's aspect.

The increase in the public's needs in seeing quality arts and understanding art is a satisfactory improvement.

Art Beijing did not expand very much in numbers in these years. Dong said there is no plan to expand in the near future either. Since more galleries are willing to take part in and more visitors are coming, the focus is now much more on quality and service.

"Art Beijing is not a party for insiders any more. It's for everyone," said Dong.

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Email|Print|Comments(Editor:LiXiang、Yao Chun)

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