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Interest of Chinese learning increases in Africa (2)

By Rene Del Carme (CNTV)

14:54, March 11, 2013

In Africa, there is an increasing number of people curious about Chinese culture. (CNTV)

Another said, "It makes me proud as a Chinese person, that everyone wants to be a part of the Chinese culture."

An African student said, "As South Africans we are exposed to many different cultures. But being exposed to Chinese is completely different. It broadens your horizons like you cannot believe."

Lisette Noonan, Principal of the Pretoria Chinese School, said, "Most parents that enroll their children at our school, not only do it for the academic excellence, but also for the values that the Chinese culture instills. The values of discipline and respect and humility, which are very important at this school. And the African parents at our school see this as being very valuable for their children's future."

Angela Liu, Deputy-principal of Pretoria Chinese School, said, "The most enjoyable part about my teaching, or my job is that from a child... they started with nothing, they don't know any Chinese at all, and they start learning the greeting words and the numbers and the counting and then simple songs and basic sentence structures and gradually they are able to understand a bit and speak a bit, so that to me, it makes my job very rewarding."

【1】 【2】 【3】

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