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Collection of thankful words from rehabilitated drug addicts in “Sunshine Enterprises” (5)

(People's Daily Online)

17:29, January 06, 2013

Zhou Min: My life is enriched

(Han nationality, 29 years old, born in Xixiu District, Anshun City, Guizhou Province, Zhou Min was sent to the compulsory treatment center after starting using drugs in February 2008, and was released after expiration of the treatment period at the end of 2009. On Nov. 1, 2011, she was admitted into Mnova Industrial Sunshine Electronics Company in Xixiu District and is now the quality leader of the company.)

Thankful words

I am a former drug addict rehabilitated through the community-based drug rehabilitation. After entering the Sunshine Enterprise, I put myself together and regained dignity. My life is enriched. I am full of hope for the future. I am grateful for the chance of rebirth given to me by the government.

Yang Xiaofang: the “Sunshine Project” helped me solve livelihood problems

(Dong nationality, 38 years old, junior middle school education background, Yang Xiaofang started using drugs in 1996, and had been sent to the compulsory drug treatment center for four times. In September 2011, Yang Xiaofang and her husband started working in “Fengqiu Sunshine Home”. Yang Xiaofeng was elected as backbone employee because of her excellent professional quality and outstanding performance at the end of 2011, and was again promoted at the beginning of 2012 to the position of grinding inspector in charge of quality control. After that, Yang Xiaofang continued to maintain a serious, careful attitude in work and earned the unanimous praise form the company leaders.)

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