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Collection of thankful words from rehabilitated drug addicts in “Sunshine Enterprises” (4)

(People's Daily Online)

17:29, January 06, 2013

Xiang Yancheng: I want to find my wasted youth back

(Born on August 18, 1979 in Chishui City, Xiang Yancheng was sent to the compulsory isolated treatment center because of drug abuse for multiple times from 1997 to 2009. After released from the treatment center in 2010, he actively requested to make progress and get clear of drugs after having received much aid, education, mobilization, and encouragement from the Municipal Narcotics Control Commission and the full-time anti-drug cadres at the community. He was provided with job placement in Guizhou Red Chishui Ecological Food Development Company, located in the “Chishui City Sunshine Job Placement Base”. After entering the “Sunshine Enterprise”, Xiang Yancheng gradually got rid of drug dependence by virtue of his own determination and strong will as well as the sincere care and education from Wang Debin, chairman and general manager of the company. He became a member of the managerial staff of the company in charge of external contacts, procurement of raw materials, and construction of the third phase of the project.)

Thankful words

The best savings is cherished time; the biggest waste is wasted years. I will further cherish the time. I want to find my wasted youth back.

Chen Hongtao: My scarred heart found a harbor in the “Sunshine Project”
(Male, 38 years old, Chen started using drugs in 2000, and was sent to the compulsory treatment center and the labor camp for many times. He had been unemployed since released from the treatment center in December 2007. In 2012, Chen started to work in Shengshi Huihuang Wine Co., Ltd., one of the “Sunshine Project” enterprises in Zunyi City as recommended by the community committee.)

Thankful words

After working for these several days in Shengshi Huihuang Wine Company, I truly felt the love and care from the party and the government for their rescue of the special group such as us, and I felt the utmost care and attention from the company leaders. In such a harmonious “big family”, there is no indifference, and there is no distinction. We all live and work equally under one roof, and the wave of warmth surges everywhere. The “Sunshine Project” allows me to see the sunlight in verity, and allows my scarred heart to finally find a harbor for parking. I want to say out aloud here: thank you, “Huihuang” Sunshine! You are selfless; you burn yourself and spread warmth on every wounded heart; you guide me the direction for rebirth with your boundless light. As it is, we have no excuse but to cherish the opportunity and work hard. I believe we will live a better life tomorrow.

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