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Sunshine Enlightens the Way to Return
- People’s Daily & People’s Daily Online’s access to "Sunshine Project” of Guizhou (7)

(People's Daily Online)

18:34, January 05, 2013

Cui Yadong underlined that the next focus of the project would be on enlarging the construction scale and accommodation scale of sunshine enterprises. It is planned to complete 100 sunshine enterprises by end of 2012 to accommodate 16,000 people in total, thus realizing a “full coverage” of job placement for all the drug users rehabilitated from community-based treatment.

Professor Yu An, from the School of Public Policy & Management Tsinghua University, believed that community-based drug detoxification has successfully motivated the strengths of enterprises and regional public organizations under the encourage and guidance of the government. The government ought to play a long-term, principal yet proactive role in such kind of public issues by way of mobilizing public organizations and enterprises which should be the main subject in this task rather than the government itself. What government should do is to integrate associated elements and stand up to solve relevant problems. Guizhou government does a job good in this regard reaching a desirable mobilization effect. Its way of act deserves to be promoted and further perfected in practice.

“First of all, there will be contradictions arising between the public welfare nature of the Sunshine Project and the economy nature of sunshine enterprises. Staff employment issues may emerge where the enterprises encounter product transitions or changes in the market. In this case, could the fluctuations be fully absorbed by the enterprises all by themselves or need support from the government? And to what extent could the government does in supporting the enterprises under the principle of full market economy and how to manage market risks? That’s a real problem. Secondly, the system needs to be further improved. The smooth implementation of the project requires cooperative efforts of all relevant departments under the leadership of a sector, desires the assistance by relevant units and personnel, rather than relying on all the departments of a government” further explained Professor Yu.

Cui Yadong said that he is fully confident in further promoting this popular project thanks to the recognition of and support to the “Sunshine Project” by the Department of Public Security, Guizhou’s provincial Party committee and government at higher levels as well as the grass-roots cadres and policemen at lower levels. He suggested a rehabilitation mechanism with multi-linkage of the whole society to be established by virtue of a desired state-level strategy on the job placement of the rehabilitated drug users to enable a nationwide promotion of “Sunshine Project”. (Names of the rehabilitated as mentioned have been changed)

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