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Sunshine Enlightens the Way to Return
- People’s Daily & People’s Daily Online’s access to "Sunshine Project” of Guizhou (2)

(People's Daily Online)

18:34, January 05, 2013

Liu Bo got in touch with the “Sunshine Project” in May 2011 when he felt frustrated because of labor shortage for some new orders of paper boxes. On that occasion, an official of Wudang District recommended a group of people rehabilitated from community-based treatment to him among whom Liu kept 30 after strict physical examination. Liao Yong, the deputy district head and director of district narcotics control office, promised to Liu Bo that as for any enterprise engaged in the project, they would assign four full-time anti-drug officials to participate in its administration and security management, conduct urinalysis to the rehabilitated twice a week, and supervise them to have methadone (a drug substitute) for treatment everyday; the methadone would be available for free after a 3-month period of the employment to have the people actively receive treatment while taking their posts.

“Would any clients like to do business with you after you admitted this group of people to work in your plant?” It was his wife who had oppositions first. Even Liu Bo himself was nervous then. He said he dared not to smoke the cigarettes they had given to him and just put them aside later secretly. Things have proved that their fears were totally needless.
These 30 people completed that rush order with desired quality and quantity in spite of a much lower productivity than the normal workers. All of them returned to the plant after the spring festival, something surprise to Liu Bo since according to his past experience a good deal of workers would left their jobs without advance notice to the employer.

Therefore, in order to keep them, Liu Bo will pay 930 Yuan minimum wage to each of them per month and another 50 Yuan as attendance bonus as the project required. Under the piece-work-wage system, they may gain a total salary as high as over 3,000 Yuan. Liu Bo does not allow the normal workers call them “drug addicts” or use sensitive expressions like “drugs” in any slogans. In addition, he also requests all the workers to share the same lunch room together.

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