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English>>China Society

Leaky gas can puts subway at risk (3)

(Global Times)

09:42, November 29, 2012

"The level of the security check is only toughened on special occasions, but only for a short while before the checks are loosened again," he said.

Beijing Subway should take as much responsibility as the man who carried the gas canister, said Wang.

"The Beijing subway is probably the most crowded public transport of all, which means that if there is an explosion or toxic leak, the chance of surviving is low," he noted.

On October 24, residents also criticized subway security after a masked man brandished a knife at passengers several times on Subway Line 2. He took the knife from a bag, which was not confiscated at the security checkpoint.

Beijing Subway Company media officer Jia Peng was in Germany Wednesday, and could not comment on the incident.

Beijing firefighters told the Global Times Tuesday they were going to inspect all restaurants in the capital for any violations in the use of gas canisters for cooking, after an explosion, caused by a gas leak, killed 14 and injured 47 in a hot pot restaurant in Shanxi Province at the weekend.

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