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Trade barrier motivates U.S. Huawei, ZTE allegations (2)


08:53, November 29, 2012

In recent years, Huawei has pursued a foothold in the U.S. market as a private enterprise. Spying for China at the expense of its reputation "does not make sense," according to Fang.

Huawei and ZTE have already become Cisco's major competitors. But both of them hit an invisible wall when they attempted to expand their business in the United States.

Fang said U.S. allegations against Huawei are groundless. "It just intends to set up trade barriers to Chinese companies," he said.

He also called on the Chinese government to tighten its own information security measures and establish a dedicated agency for this task.

According to a report released in early July by China's primary computer security monitoring network, nearly 50,000 overseas-based internet protocol addresses were involved in attacks against 8.9 million Chinese computers last year.

As China is facing increasing cyber attacks and threats from overseas, "we need a specific agency to take charge of network security issues," Fang said.

【1】 【2】

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