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English>>China Society

Report highlights children’s plight (2)

By Yan Shuang (Global Times)

08:47, November 21, 2012

Public debate over the responsibilities of families, government and educators has come to the fore after two shocking incidents this month. A kindergarten teacher in Wenling, Zhejiang Province was released because of a lack of an appropriate law. Even after she was photographed physically abusing her pupils. Five homeless boys were found frozen to death in dustbins Monday in Bijie, Guizhou Province.

The Convention on the Rights of the Children, established by the United Nations in 1989, serves as a guideline for child protection workers from both government and social groups since it came into effect in China 20 years ago.

"We don't have a government agency to supervise children protection work and children in undeveloped regions might be more vulnerable with little government support," said Wang Zhenyao, a former official with the Ministry of Civil Affairs and director with the Institute.

【1】 【2】


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