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English>>China Business

Wall Street sees best day in 2 months (2)


09:37, November 20, 2012

Monday's rally came after President Barack Obama met with congressional leaders last Friday, the first time since the 2012 U. S. presidential election, to discuss the "fiscal cliff" issue.

After the meeting, congressional leaders expressed their confidence in reaching a debt deal to avert the possible fiscal disaster -- a combination of automatic spending cuts and spikes in tax rates that could drag the U.S. economy into a severe recession.

Meanwhile, a report said that Greece may receive the next payment of its bailout fund on Dec. 5 after European policymakers met in Paris on Monday to forge a common position on the issue.

And European finance ministers will meet on Tuesday to further discuss the disbursement of the 44-billion-euro (about 56 billion U.S. dollars) bailout fund for Greece.

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