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English>>China Society

Abused tots’ parents sue kindergarten (2)

By Du Liya (Global Times)

08:23, November 20, 2012

According to the law, kindergartens are responsible for the mistreatment of kindergarten children unless they can prove they fulfilled their duty to supervise and manage their school's staff.

Lin said she and four other parents involved in the law suit were disappointed that Yan was released, after the teacher had abused their children both physically and psychologically. She and other parents thought Yan should be sentenced to several years in jail.

"China does not have a law to specifically deal with child abuse by someone outside the child's family. Also, the criminal law stipulates that the victims of child abuse should initiate a lawsuit themselves, but it is impossible for children to do that," said Zhang.

"Yan has escaped legal punishment, but it does not mean that the kindergarten is free from the incident. We hope that all children can receive good education through our efforts," said Lin.

An Lijuan, a deputy to the Beijing People's Congress who submitted a proposal on preschool education in 2010, said that more work has to be done to better protect children. "Kindergartens should improve their recruitment standard and strengthen communication with parents."

【1】 【2】


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