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English>>China Society

Ex-Judge released from year’s administrative detention (2)

By Bai Tiantian (Global Times)

16:54, November 09, 2012

According to previous news reports, Guo presided over a case in which his court had frozen the assets of a company for 17 months in 2009. An agency under the Jilin Provincial Commission for Disciplinary Inspection later ruled that the ruling by Guo and two other judges was inappropriate and had caused great economic losses to the company.

"I had followed judicial procedures and had done everything according to the law," Guo said.

Guo claimed that the commission's agency had forged evidence to help the company and blamed the county court for a wrongful ruling. The agency could not be reached for comment.

Guo said the agency "openly asked us to unfreeze the company's asset but the court decided its ruling should stay the way it was," Guo said.

The report from the local news portal said Guo and the other judges had illegally sealed assets worth 3.41 million yuan ($546,220), far more than should have been frozen, and had turned a blind eye to the defendant's appeal.

【1】 【2】


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