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English>>China Society

Govt workers losing ‘jobs for life’ (2)

By Ling Yuhuan (Global Times)

09:14, November 09, 2012

"The new system will effectively reduce the government's expenditure," said Lin Zhe, a professor of anti-corruption studies at the Party School of the Central Committee of CPC. She also said that government workers under contract are more conscientious, because they have to achieve good performance in order to have their contracts renewed, adding that this makes permanent public employees also work harder.

However, Zhu Lijia, a professor with the Chinese Academy of Governance, told the Global Times that he was "firmly against" the system because it allows corrupt officials to hire friends or relatives, who cannot pass regular exams for the civil service.

"The system is likely to result in more manipulated recruitment in government departments," he said.

According to the Beijing News, contracted government workers in Shenzhen usually earn one third to one half of the salary paid to permanent employees.

A contracted government worker in Shenzhen told the Beijing News that she had a promotion opportunity every six years, whereas permanent government employees are likely to get promoted every three years.

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