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English>>China Society

Zoo cat fight enters third round (2)

By Zhang Hui (Global Times)

09:34, November 08, 2012

"We failed to urge the volunteers to move the shelters to the north [of the zoo] as they agreed to in the negotiation two weeks ago," Qin said.

The zoo and CAWA, speaking on behalf of the volunteers, reached an agreement on October 23 to put some 20 cat shelters at the north part of the zoo, but the volunteers moved the shelters to the south several days later, according to the volunteer.

"Cats don't like to change their location, and they want to stay where they are used to living," the volunteer said.

Qin said the area where the stray cats currently live is home to other wild animals such elephants, and also has large crowds every day that would pose difficulties to the zoo to well-manage the general environment.

"I hope the volunteers will respect the zoo management team, and feed the cats in the northern woods," Qin said.

The volunteer denied the area was close to other animals and said she and her friends had decorated the shelters, bought lots of new mattresses, and also put them in the woods, not on the paths.

"No one will spot the shelters, and the cats won't chase around if they have a home," she said.

【1】 【2】


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