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English>>China Society

Cold comfort for heatless Beijingers (2)

By Yin Yeping (Global Times)

10:38, November 07, 2012

Ji said that he tried to call the compound's property management company as well as the service hotline of the municipal heating company, but all the lines were busy.

"It's the first time I encountered heating problems since I moved in here three years ago," he said.

Another resident surnamed Jiang, who lives in Yulangyuan residential compound in Xicheng district, was one of the thousands who took to microblogs to post of their anger over the heating problems.

"My radiators are cold these days and the indoor temperature is just around 15 C," she told the Global Times, adding that her child is now ill with a cold.

"We called the heating company Saturday and were told the lack of heating was due to a pipe malfunction. Nobody has come to fix it," she said.

Jiang said that she was upset with the government's promise of providing a heating service earlier, but had ended up not implementing it well.

In the light of the public inquiries, Zhang said that BHG's 24-hour service hotline has been incredibly busy in the last few days, but that it is normal the heating system will not work at everybody's home at first.

"It usually takes about a week for the heating to work thoroughly," he said.

Zhang noted that there are over 1,600 heating companies in Beijing and BHG is just one of them.

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