Chinese state-owned companies used to dominate the country's mining investment. However, private investors have benefited on the back of favorable government policies.
To meet surging mineral demand, the government introduced a string of measures, which included a guideline issued in June aiming to lure private capital to conduct surveys and exploitation of the country's mineral deposits.
In its latest move, the MLR on Oct. 26 signed a memorandum with Tianjin municipal government to build a mining financial reform base in the city, a move to channel more social capital to the sector.
Private investors hold nearly 50 percent of the exploration rights of the country's non-oil and -gas resources, and more than 90 percent of non-oil and -gas mines, according to Gan.
"Chinese investors are expected to throw trillions of yuan in mining from 2013 to 2015. Half of the investment will be made by private capital," Gan predicted.
Landmark building should respect the public's feeling