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English>>Life & Culture

I'll be hallucinating about Shanghai for a long time (2)

By Zac O'Yeah  (Shanghai Daily)

08:49, November 07, 2012

Then there are the bars. Although my experience is a bit limited, I think maybe the best bar in the world is one which I again don't know the name of, let's assume it's James, but you'll find it at 57 Dongzhu'anbang Road if you should need a 1.25l mug of beer.

The clubs, of course. I still dream myself back to Yuyintang live house, the grungy music venue in a quaint building behind the Yan'an Road Metro station, and a wonderful concert with singer-songwriter Zhong. It was like being dead and hearing an angel sing in heaven.

And I'll never forget the shops - Shanghai is one big shopping mall and my repacked bags were heavier: silks from Silk King and old posters from the Propaganda Art Museum, badges from Dongtai Road Antique Market, books and baijiu (distilled alcoholic beverage).

Ah, the parks. Lu Xun Park was a favorite, especially with a museum dedicated to a novelist. I too want a park and a museum dedicated to me, like that one.

I've looked for arts and literature, and found much to gawk at in many museums. I've had thrilling encounters with contemporary writers. It was, indeed, a privilege to be a Swede in China when the Nobel Prize was awarded to Mo Yan.

But the streets top my list. I walked pretty much every street (my feet felt that way). And relished your excellent street food from steamed buns to stinky tofu.

For some reason I liked Julu Road most, maybe because the Shanghai Writers' Association is located in a beautiful building on that charming street.

You who live in Shanghai are so lucky to have such a walkable city. Invite me back any time, and I'll come - even if I have to walk all the way to China.

I'd be so lucky.

【1】 【2】

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