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Top legislator lauds enhanced legislation on China's national security

(Xinhua)    16:23, March 09, 2016


BEIJING, March 9, 2016 (Xinhua) -- Zhang Dejiang, chairman of the Standing Committee of China's National People's Congress (NPC), delivers a report on the work of the NPC Standing Committee during the second plenary meeting of the fourth session of the 12th NPC at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, capital of China, March 9, 2016. (Xinhua/Yao Dawei)

BEIJING, March 9 (Xinhua) -- Chinese top legislator Zhang Dejiangon Wednesday lauded enhanced legislation on the country's national security in the past year.

Notable achievements in the field include the National Security Law, adopted by lawmakers after three deliberations, and the Anti-Terrorism Law, passed in December 2015, Zhang said when delivering a work report on the National People's Congress (NPC) Standing Committee.

Calling the National Security Law "a comprehensive, overarching and fundamental law in the field of national security," Zhang said lawmakers gave high priority to its enactment, acting in line with the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee's overall plan for accelerating the development of rule of law in China's national security efforts.

The new law laid a solid legal foundation for accelerating the establishment of a national security system and took a distinctly Chinese approach to national security, he said.

He went on to commend the Anti-Terrorism Law as of crucial importance "in the face of a grave and complex situation in the fight against terrorism both at home and abroad."

The new Anti-Terrorism Law defined the basic principles of China's anti-terrorism initiatives, improved working systems and mechanisms in this regard, and stepped up anti-terrorism efforts with regard to preventive safety measures, emergency response, international cooperation and supporting measures, Zhang said.

In addition, legislators also introduced harsher punishments for crimes involving terrorism and extremism in an amendment to the country's Criminal Law, which is key to preventing and punishing terrorist activities according to law, to safeguarding national and public security, and to protecting people's lives and property, he said.



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(Editor:Kong Defang,Bianji)

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