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China's top legislator meets Russian young lawmakers

(Xinhua)    20:55, April 09, 2015

BEIJING, April 9 -- China's top legislator Zhang Dejiangmet with a delegation of young lawmakers from the Russian State Duma led by Vice Chairperson Sergey Zheleznyak in Beijing on Thursday.

Zhang spoke highly of the close cooperation between the National People's Congress, China's top legislative body, and the Federal Assembly of Russian Federation.

Zhang, chairman of the NPCStanding Committee, said it is very important to strengthen the understanding and friendship between young people of the two countries. China is ready to continue to strengthen youth exchanges with Russia to foster more talents for the bilateral cooperation.

Zheleznyak echoed Zhang saying the Russian young lawmakers are willing to contribute to the bilateral ties and the two countries' parliamentary cooperation.

Shen Yueyue, vice chairperson of the NPC Standing Committee, also met with Zheleznyak in Beijing on Thursday.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Kong Defang,Bianji)

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