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On top of the city

By Yao Xinyu (People's Daily Online)    09:48, August 18, 2015

Wei Tao is an installer of advertising neon lights in Ningbo. 28-year-old Wei comes from Guizhou. It has been 5 years since he took the job of installing neon lights. To begin, Wei could only work on low levels up to 10 or 20 meters high. After gaining more experience, Wei now can be spotted working on many tall buildings in Ningbo.

Sometimes there is a cradle outside of the building to use, but for most of the time, Wei Tao only has a rope to tie himself. The situation gets more dangerous in the hot summers. If the worker gets sunstroke while hanging outside the building, the consequences are unthinkable.

Wei once saw a co-worker fall from a 4-floor high scaffolding, which really psychologically hit him. He thought about quitting, but eventually stuck it out. "Seeing the neon lights I installed really coloring the building, I really don't want to give up like this. Plus I can stand on top of the city, and see the views not everyone can see," said Wei Tao.


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(Editor:Yao Xinyu,Bianji)

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