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Troops stationed on China-Myanmar border after bombing incident

(CRI Online)    10:19, March 17, 2015

Long queues of military trucks and missile carriers are said to have stationed on the China-Myanmar border on March 15, 2015. [Photo: weibo account of "guo gan zui xin zhan kuang"]

According to Sina Weibo account "guo gan zui xin zhan kuang(which means "latest actions in Kokang" in English)", the Chinese army and air force dispatched missile units and fighter jets to Lincang, a city situated on the border, on Sunday.

At the same time, the city government of Lincang asked homes along the border to put up China's national flags to protect themselves.

The moves came after a bomb from Myanmar hit the border city and killed five Chinese people with eight others injured on March 13.

Bodies of the five dead were cremated on Saturday.

Each family of the victims was given 20,000 yuan (3,200 USD) for funeral expenses by the city government.

The spokesperson of China's air force said on Saturday that they had sent fighter jets to the border after the incident, to protect people against more possible air strikes from Myanmar.

The vice-Chair of China's Central Military Commission also went on-record saying the Chinese military will take "firm and decisive action" if any more stray fire incidents take place.

The Myanmar government expressed their regrets over the incident and promised to carry out joint investigations with China on Sunday.

Both the Myanmar government and forces in Kokang denied the bomb was dropped by them.

The government of Myanmar has been locked in a battle with the Kokang ethnic minority in the northeast of the country since late last year.


(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Kong Defang,Yao Chun)

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