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English>>Special Coverage >> Xi'an High-tech Industrial Development Zone

Shaanxi governor meets president of Samsung China

(People's Daily Online)    08:56, February 04, 2015

Lou Qinjian, governor of Shaanxi province met with Chang Won Kie, president of Samsung China on Jan. 15. Jiang Zelin, deputy governor of Shaanxi, Dong Jun, mayor of Xi'an, Chen Guoqing, Provincial Government Secretary, Fang Weifeng, director of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission and Zhao Hongzhuan, Party Secretary of Xi'an High-tech zone were present at the meeting.

During the meeting, the two sides briefed about economic and social development and progress to each other and fully affirmed the remarkable achievements of cooperation in recent years.

Both sides agreed to jointly explore new cooperation, and to actively promote and support the development of related industries.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Huang Jin,Gao Yinan)

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