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English>>Special Coverage >> Xi'an High-tech Industrial Development Zone

Amount of business taxes collected in Xi'an High-tech Zone ranks top 3 among high-tech zones in China

(People's Daily Online)    13:58, January 16, 2015

The large-caliber financial income and the general budget revenue of Xi'an High-tech Zone achieved respectively 3.94 billion US dollars and 1.42 billion US dollars in 2014, representing an increase of 20.33 percent. The amount of the business taxes collected in Xi'an High-tech Zone ranks top 3 among 114 high-tech zones in China.

The general budget revenue of Xi'an high-tech zone in 2014 accounted for more than 15 percent of the total revenue of Xi'an city, and was higher than the total revenue of seven other development zones in Xi'an. It contributed 3 percent to the growth of total revenue of the city and realized the goal of doubling in three years.

(For the latest China news, Please follow People's Daily on Twitter and Facebook)(Editor:Huang Jin,Bianji)

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