Thu,Dec 11,2014
English>>China Society

Macao becomes open-air museum (8)

(Xinhua)    15:41, December 11, 2014
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Macao, covering a total area of more than 30 square kilometers, has more than 20 museums, which is a 'very high' density in the world, according to Ung Vai Meng, president of the Cultural Affairs Bureau of Macao Special Administrative Region.

Tourists visit the Macao Museum in south China's Macao, Dec. 10, 2014. Macao, covering a total area of more than 30 square kilometers, has more than 20 museums, which is a "very high" density in the world, according to Ung Vai Meng, president of the Cultural Affairs Bureau of Macao Special Administrative Region. (Xinhua/Li Xin)


(Editor:Yuan Can,Huang Jin)
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