Thu,Dec 11,2014
English>>China Society

Macao becomes open-air museum (4)

(Xinhua)    15:41, December 11, 2014
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Macao, covering a total area of more than 30 square kilometers, has more than 20 museums, which is a 'very high' density in the world, according to Ung Vai Meng, president of the Cultural Affairs Bureau of Macao Special Administrative Region.

A visitor takes photos of exhibits through a window at the Macao Museum in south China's Macao, Dec. 10, 2014. Macao, covering a total area of more than 30 square kilometers, has more than 20 museums, which is a "very high" density in the world, according to Ung Vai Meng, president of the Cultural Affairs Bureau of Macao Special Administrative Region. (Xinhua/Li Xin)


(Editor:Yuan Can,Huang Jin)
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