Wed,Nov 19,2014
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Editor's Pick

Promotion of Beijing’s High-end Tourism Resources Debuts in Athens and Rome in November (3)

(People's Daily Online)    20:13, November 19, 2014
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Experiencing TCM culture in the ancient capital of China

The TCM culture has a long history. It has guided generations of Chinese people, with its concept of “human is an integral part of nature”, theories of yin-yang and five elements, to heal illness and preserve health. Under the influence of TCM culture, health preserving is a hot topic in Chinese people’s leisure time. Every Chinese has more or less knowledge of some TCM: "Cultivate yang during spring and summer, cultivate yin during autumn and winter", "Cultivate yin and preserve health of lungs with white fungus porridge". It is the profound TCM culture that attracts foreigners.

Hike the Badaling Great Wall, go sightseeing at Summer Palace, take a TCM bath at Taishen Xianghe mountain villa for a rest, have a taste of TCM meal, relieve rigidity of muscles and activate blood circulation at Zhongwei Yuyuan Fushan Restaurant—this is the carefully crafted TCM tours, which combines traditional scenic spots with TCM health preserving culture. In this tourist route, you might enjoy sightseeing, promote your health, and have a fun and healthy tour in Beijing.


(Editor:Yuan Can、Bianji)
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