Tue,Nov 4,2014

Editor's Pick

PLA vice chairman calls for strict management of army

(Xinhua)    13:27, November 04, 2014
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BEIJING, Nov. 4 -- A high-ranking officer of the People's Liberation Army (PLA) voiced support to President Xi Jinping's instruction of building a strong military in accordance with the law.

On Tuesday, the People's Daily published an article on strengthening the army's rule of law, written by Xu Qiliang, vice chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC) of the PLA.

Xu said rule of law is the fundamental guarantee to the building of strong armed forces.

Facing a complicated and changing security situation, the PLA shoulders the heavy task of safeguarding state sovereignty, security and developmental interests, Xu said.

A strictly disciplined army run by the spirit of rule of law provides a strong warranty to the realization of the Chinese Dream, he said.

During the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee held last month, the national leadership adopted decisions on "major issues concerning comprehensively advancing rule of law" which also includes the PLA's legal system construction and promotion.

President Xi Jinping, chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC), urged army officials to run the PLA in accordance with laws and discipline, which, Xi said "lays a solid foundation for a strong army."

The PLA has had a tradition of enforcing strict discipline throughout its history, but is still far from achieving comprehensive rule of law, Xu said.

Xu Caihou and Gu Junshan, two former senior army generals who were recently charged with violations of law and discipline, have brought shame on the image of the Party and the PLA, Xu said.

He said a strong army should not only be equipped with advanced technologies but also embrace strong legal awareness.

The strict management of the PLA also calls for absolute adherence to the leadership of the Party, Xu noted.

He urged the PLA to step up efforts for resolute implementation of law and discipline so as to build a rigorous and highly effective legal system in the army.

(Editor:Liang Jun、Huang Jin)
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