Tue,Aug 12,2014
English>>Life & Culture

Editor's Pick

Producer Wei Te-Sheng's "KANO" to be replayed in Sept (3)

(Xinhua)    07:18, August 12, 2014
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Producer Wei Te-Sheng's 'KANO' to be replayed in Sept

  Director Ma Chih-Hsiang (3rd R) and producer Wei Te-Sheng (3rd, L) pose with cast members during a press conference for the film "KANO" in Taipei, southeast China's Taiwan, Aug. 11, 2014. The film, which screened early this year, will be replayed on Sept. 25, 2014. (Xinhua/Wang Qingqin)


(Editor:Gao Yinan、Bianji)

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